Discover how giants of the faith like Mother Theresa, Martin Luther, and David Livingston lived following Steve walking in their footsteps!
To get connected drop us a email at steve@stevefaucette.com
3 Shows
3 Episodes Each
Director and Show Host
Steve is passionate about history and the ones who shaped it. He has been inspired by many historical figures, men, and women of faith, and wanted to inquire more about these world changers. As Steve had to travel many times for his work functions, he was able to make a few stops in the footsteps of faith in which he is excited to bring you into!


In this episode we take a look at the countries that shaped Mother Teresa, Masedonia, Ireland and India and go into the influences that led her to become a nun and a missionary to Calcutta, India. After being a nun for 20 years she was touched by Jesus to change her occupation and reach out to the poorest of the poor in Calcutta. We will look at how this developed. We look at how the work developed into a world wide ministry and the impact it is still having on the world today. You will be challenged to go and be a part extending your own hands and feet to the poorest of
the poor.

There are few events that have shaped the history of the western world more than the Protestent Reformation, we will take a look at Germany past and present and see how the condititions there led to the sustainable development of a alternate church in Europe. We look at how that caused freedom and prosperity to take root in our civilization. We look at the life of Martin Luther and the conditions in Germany that led to this important time in history.

The interior of Africa was still a mystery in the late 1800s when David Livingstone crossed the Kalahari Desert into Central Africa. A He found great river systems and beautiful falls and most alarmingly he found the ever growing slave trade which he hoped to help end. His love for the african people has made tangable differences that ultimatly ended the slave trade there. We take a look at this humble Scotsman who spent his life for what he believed in. His body was buried in Westminister Abby but his heart was buried in Zambia, Africa.